
About Me

  • From Ordos, Inner Mongolia , China.
  • Studying in Xi'an MedicalCollege,majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
  • Strong interest in information visualization and human-computerinteraction (HCI). Desire to become a full stack engineer.
  • I've self-taught myself a lot of knowledge in HTML and Python, and also putting effort into learning JavaScript outside of class.
  • I am currently preparing for the Assistant Practicing Physician Qualification Examination in 2028.
  • and more...


Beyond my academic pursuits, I'm also an open-source enthusiast , actively engaging in the construction of open-source communities. I firmly believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and take immense pleasure in contributing to projects and learning from fellow community members.

In my personal life, I'm always keen on exploring uncharted territories, trying out new things, and using these opportunities to continuously enhance my skills and knowledge base. In the journey of exploring new frontiers, I've also gradually discovered my own direction and values. In addition, I'm also an avid extreme sports enthusiast . Skateboarding, skiing, outdoor hiking, and camping are all my favorites. I've also had the privilege of serving as a Campus ambassador for DJI.

All in all, I am passionate about technology and its potential to positively impact the world. I am excited to continue pursuing my interests in computer science and networking and hope to make a meaningful contribution to the field in the future.

Contact Me


About my Blog


其一,是因為 QQ 空間發一些所謂的「政治評論」實在是不太安全,自己的 BLOG 沒有顧慮,沒有關鍵字遮罩、沒有沒完沒了的 Censorship,至少我們可以控制; 「自我審查』是個壞習慣,發出去的圖片莫名其妙變成灰色感嘆號也很讓人不舒服。在這個年代,或許只有這樣的「科技人員」能正常說話了吧 🤷‍♂️ ……

其二,我認為 QQ 空間這種平臺「距離太近」了,有些話在那裡說就不太合適,因為「別人刷到我發的說說」是一個被動的行為,而「訪問這個 BLOG 」則是一個主動的行為(應該沒人 RSS 訂閱吧……)。 總之這個感覺是不一樣的。



至於本站的內容,會寫一些日常生活中的碎碎念。 內容大概是 QQ 空間 / 朋友圈所發動態的超集(當然,不管是任何平臺,BLOG、QQ 空間、朋友圈、手機相册,都是我生活的子集),除此之外還有一些政治評論 / 書影音分享 / 醫學筆記 / 前端學習 / 攝影作品等各種亂七八糟的東西。

PS:由於覺得自己現時正處於如饑似渴的學習期,還沒有足够的實力做有質量的內容產出……所以 BLOG 更新頻率不會特別高。


最早其實是有諸如「每 X 周看一本書」、「每 X 周看一部電影」的計畫的,不過因為有些時候很忙(很懶)就沒動力去搞這些東西。 現在還是隨緣更新吧~



疫情放開前的這幾個月,陷入政治性 emo 的時間也不少了。我只想說,無論政治立場,我絕不是什麼「恨國黨」。我們都希望讓她變得更好,都希望繼續熱愛生活。


Telegram 全天在线,也可 Email 📧 见

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